Insuring an optimal transition to the new Locarno Film Festival ticketing platform through UX research and process optimization

This thesis work presents the discovery and analysis of the new Locarno Film Festival's ticketing platform through User Experience analysis and testing, and the operation processes that went into preparing this edition of the Locarno Film Festival.

The Locarno Film Festival is a film festival that takes place the first Wednesday of August since 1946. This year the event decided to change their ticketing platform through a Lausanne based company, Smeetz SA.

The project encompasses a comprehensive user analysis involving the development of Personas and extensive user testing. Subsequently, the ticketing system's intricate structure was meticulously documented. The Smeetz platform was then configured to accommodate diverse venues, events, and devices such as scanners and payment terminals. To ensure efficient on-ground operations, detailed documents were created for staff training.

Etudiant: Alan Phillip Rodriguez

Année: 2023

Département: Comem+

Filière: Ingénierie des médias

Type de formation: Plein temps

Partenaire externe: Locarno Film Festival

Enseignant responsable: Saskia Faulk-Antonakis

Ce travail est confidentiel