Software for Electronic Components Communication

This thesis presents a comprehensive full-stack solution developed to facilitate communication with PCIe Retimer prototypes. The solution serves a dual purpose, catering to both engineers engaged in characterization and debugging, as well as customers seeking to seamlessly integrate the Retimer into their designs.

The adoption of gRPC as the communication layer significantly enhances client-server interactions, optimizing efficiency. One of the distinguishing features of this solution is the design of a user-friendly UI with an emphasis on reusability. Every graphical component within the interface is crafted for versatility, ensuring adaptability across various UI contexts.

The server component of this system operates within a Docker container, offering compatibility with ARM32 architecture. It can be effortlessly deployed on a Raspberry Pi, establishing a direct USB connection to the electronic evaluation board, or on a System-on-Chip (SOC) linked via the FPGA. The UI empowers users to perform a multitude of functions, including lane mapping visualization, status, and PCI generation retrieval for each lane, eye scope plotting for connected ports, memory register browsing with interactive capabilities, temperature monitoring of the Retimer, and firmware flashing or reading.

To further enhance usability, a Python package has been developed, enabling scripted communication with the Retimer, expanding the solution's versatility and utility. This work not only overcomes technical challenges but also exemplifies the adaptability and utility of the solution, making it an asset for engineers and customers alike. Users have begun to favor the beta version of this software over legacy alternatives, highlighting its positive impact on PCIe Retimer communication and integration.

Etudiant: Jérémie Melly

Année: 2023

Département: FEE

Filière: Informatique et systèmes de communication avec orientation en Informatique logicielle

Type de formation: En emploi

Enseignant responsable: Bertil Chapuis

Ce travail est confidentiel