Implementing a Software Licensing Framework and Management Webapp

The company is interested in developing a custom solution to deliver and manage licenses for its product. Indeed, it wants to stop using the Sentinel framework which it was too heavy, excessive, and too expensive.

The first goal of this work was to develop 3 java modules: the writer able to generate licenses, the reader deployed on the product and able to parse and validate a license (valid signature, expiration date in the future, etc...), and finally the core module containing every implementation common to the whole project.

The second goal was to develop a web application for the administration of the licenses allowing the display, the creation, and the edition of the licenses delivered by the company. This application was developed using a SpringBoot back-end with an HSQL database and an Angular front-end. This application integrates the writer module mentioned above.

Etudiant: Lev Pozniakoff

Année: 2022

Département: TIC

Filière: Informatique et systèmes de communication (anciennement Télécommunications) avec orientation en Sécurité de l'information

Type de formation: Plein temps

Enseignant responsable: Sylvain Pasini

Institut: IICT

Ce travail est confidentiel