Système de digitalisation automatique par photogrammétrie 3D pour un drone autonome opérant en milieu confiné.

Photogrammetry is a precious tool for digitally reconstructing an environment in 3D. It allows for a computer reproduction to be sufficiently faithful to be used in many professional situations for remote inspection, virtual visits, and many others. Furthermore, photogrammetry is performed using camera sensors that have become relatively cheap, especially compared to the laser sensors used for the same task but much less affordable. Image acquisition from a drone allows confined, otherwise inaccessible environments to be digitalised but not without a fair share of constraints and hurdles: insufficient lighting, short flight distances that do not allow for wide shots to be taken, no GPS positioning possible... This project aims to create an image acquisition system capable to overcome those problems while offering the following features

  • Synchronous capture of multiple images at a time ;
  • Stroboscopic lighting synchronised with the capture ;
  • Recovery of the inboard positioning sensors' data ;
  • Timestamping of the image capture and position recovery instants ;
  • Image streaming through network for live reconstruction.

To this end, this project reviews the various hardware and software components necessary before suggesting a design for an architecture allowing those requirements to be met. The implementation process is presented for parts of this architecture, providing insight on the pitfalls and issues of some alternatives before suggesting a more relevant solution. This version especially focuses on the capture, acquisition and processing of the images, synchronisation of a stroboscopic signal for a LED matrix and the timestamping of the image and positioning informations.

Etudiant: Anthony Illan Jaccard

Année: 2022

Département: TIC

Filière: Informatique et systèmes de communication (anciennement Informatique) avec orientation en Informatique embarquée

Type de formation: Plein temps

Partenaire externe: Flybotix

Enseignant responsable: Romuald Mosqueron

Institut: REDS

Ce travail est confidentiel