Creation and implementation of a digital marketing strategy and UX design for Swiss Webacademy

The project takes part in the Swiss WebAcademy, a romanian professional association located in Sibiu. In october 20019, they will release a new project for one of their four activities, a makerspace for kids between 9 and 17 years old. The makerspace will be a hub for technologies as drones, robots and many other technologies to teach a completely new experience to kids in Sibiu. The kids will be able to learn and experiment at the same time.

In that purpose the Academy needs to redefine their digital marketing strategy which is non-existent and to create a new website to separate the WebSchool from their other activities. The objective is deliver a clear communication to their future and current clients. To respond to those needs, a benchmark has been delivered which has been used to create the UX design for the website, the new identity of the WebSchool and the marketing plan for their social media. The work done will also be ultimately a guideline for the next projects for the association.

Etudiant: Alexandre Kaufmann

Année: 2019

Département: Comem+

Filière: Ingénierie des médias avec orientation en Gestion des médias imprimés et interactifs

Type de formation: Plein temps

Partenaire externe: SwissWebAcademy

Enseignant responsable: Andreas Sidler

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