Opening security: design and concept of a security diagnostics community

Antivirus software is not the panacea for all cyber security issues. With the announced reign of connected devices in our lives, from the smartphone in our pocket to smart energy systems in our homes, threats to information security have become pervasive. The growth of this threat renders individual initiatives counterproductive – a collective action must take place.Seeing the rise of collaborative projects, such as OpenStreetMap, a question arose: why not put the creativity of the public to use within the field of information security?

From that rather abstract thought, a concept based on the current situation and needs emerged. It could not have been possible without SwissWebAcademy, the company partner of this project, which enabled us, with its unique network of cyber security specialists, to draw a consistent landscape of ongoing trends.However, a concept remains worthless if it is not applicable; the second phase had to prove the technical feasibility of the idea. Setting in motion a blueprint to have at the end, the creation of a working prototype encompassing the original idea was a critical aspect of the project.

This work explores the possibility of an open security ecosystem – starting from an abstract concept to providing a concrete solution and implementation, but also more generally, exposing the journey from an idea to its concretization.

Etudiant: Simon Carlier

Année: 2016

Département: Comem+

Filière: Ingénierie des médias avec orientation en Gestion des technologies de l'information

Type de formation: Plein temps

Partenaire externe: SwissWebAcademy

Enseignant responsable: Andreas Sidler

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