GPRS Mobile side security testing

The project is under the responsibility of Swisscom Mobile's SCM-TO-AES Security Manager and the technical responsibility of MC-TO-EO-CNE-CNI. The coaching is provided by SCM-TO-AES Security. The execution is delegated to the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland in Yverdon (EIVD). Due to the sensitivity of the findings, the participants of the projects are binded with a non-disclosure agreement. Swisscom Mobile controls any publication related to this work The main goal of the project is to find and describe potential information security vulnerabilities which are exploitable from the Mobile terminal side. Example of exploitable security issues are: - mobile to mobile hacking or denial of service - attacks against the GPRS infrastructures are systems visible from the client side This task is a consequence of the security testing made during the GPRS network implementation phase and were never finalized.

Etudiant: Jean-Pierre Bussolaro

Année: 2003

Département: TIC

Filière: Informatique et systèmes de communication (anciennement Télécommunications) avec orientation en Réseaux et Services

Partenaire externe: Swisscom Mobile

Enseignant responsable: Stephan Robert

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