Development of an online Knowledge Community in an open source developer community

While the Internet has facilitated information-exchange in real-time it has also transformed the life cycle of knowledge itself. It's getting increasingly important to access relevant information in the shortest delays possible, in order to keep up with the increasing speed of society. Knowing who knows the answer often helps to significantly shorten the information-acquisition-process and therefore the nurture of personal networks is essential. Online Knowledge Communities provide an ideal platform for knowledge workers active in the same domain to exchange and network their knowledge. Its members install their practices and define community specific rules of knowledge sharing. Whereas there exists already a wide range of online communities, they usually are closed systems, treating only one specific domain of knowledge. Users affiliated with several knowledge communities still must visit their communities regularly in order to keep informed about the member-activities. Scope of this project is to provide an application which supports management, sharing and networking of knowledge in an online environment. Following the needs of its users, Information can be aggregated, filtered and organized. Users can set up their personal knowledge management system, where they can organize the information produced in the communities they are affiliated with, following their own personal way of thinking. The value of a knowledge community is not the infrastructure itself, but the knowledge that is created and shared within the community. Therefore the tool itself should be flexible and respond to all needs a knowledge worker can have in this world of fast changes. Online and free Source development enables the participation of all interested parties and therefore adds essential value to the developed application.

Etudiant: Benno Rohrbach

Année: 2002

Département: Comem+

Filière: Ingénierie des médias (anciennement Comem)

Type de formation: Plein temps

Partenaire externe: Benno Rohrbach

Enseignant responsable: Dominique Jaccard

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