Time simulation of a change-over of a rotary press

ABB is a well known supplier of control systems for rotary presses. Their product, the MPS Cockpit, helps to simulate and optimize the workflow within a printing plant. The change-over of the machine from one product to the next one is an unknown parame-ter in the production line. In order to simulate and plan the daily work efficiently, the dura-tions of those "rest-times" have to be known. But they can differ significantly from each other according to the changes which have to be executed. ABB wants a mathematical model to be developed, which will be able to estimate the time needed for the change-over. A series of measurements has to be initialized and evaluated at an exemplary printing plant to deliver grounds for the math model to base on. Since the datas will be taken from a real environment, the chances are high, that the cal-culated time will be rather close to reality.

Etudiant: Ludwig Müller

Année: 2001

Département: Comem+

Filière: Ingénierie des médias (anciennement Comem)

Type de formation: Plein temps

Partenaire externe: ABB Switzerland

Enseignant responsable: Dominique Jaccard